Profitable Facebook Ads with Gosia Potoczna – Helping Online Course Creators Make a Sale Every Single Day

Calling female healers, experts, lightworkers and medicine women who are done with the social media hamster wheel when offering their sacred work and transformation 

...because seriously, your soul didn't call you here just to be posting on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok all day long, right?

Posting about your retreat on social media 24/7 ...and hearing nothing but crickets?

Wondering whether you'd need to become another Oprah before you could start selling out your retreats with ease?

So maybe you've decided to spend a small ads budget hoping this will help with the slow sales of your retreat...

but it only felt like a wasted money.


Dreading it takes thousands in the ad spend before you could see any return on investment



a practical online workshop for healers, experts, lightworkers and medicine women

How to consistently sell out your in-person events using $5/day ads and reels 

Join me for this hands-on workshop and walk away with everything you need to get your ads up & running... even tomorrow:
  • What to say on your reels - so you can attract your meant-to-be potential clients while staying true to yourself
  • What exactly you need to do and create - a step-by-step implementation process so you are guided by hand and never get stuck
  • How to walk around the Ads Manager - so you can stop biting your nails and just do the thing, easy-peasy
  • How to make sales without being salesy - so your clients are coming to you from a place of authentic desire to invest with you (not fake scarcity or marketing games)
Psst... there are BONUSES!
  • 1:1 co-creation session with Gosia (LIMITED TIME OFFER) - get 45-minute access to my brainstorming genius and 24+ years of online marketing experience so we can get your sales off the ground and your retreats sold out
  • Library of scripts and examples (coming soon) - so you know exactly what to say to attract your soulmate clients and find inspiration for yourself
  • Mollah Offer Makeover masterclass - how to use buyer psychology to turn your online offers into a ready-for-ads bestsellers without using any shady tactics that leave you with bad karma
It's time to bid farewell to anxious ruminations on SHOULD I CANCEL IT? and throw an enthusiastic SOLD OUT! celebration party for your retreat!

Sign up now and get instant access so you can roll out your first ad... even tomorrow!

YOU after this workshop
  • Feel like a Queen, being able to fill your in-person events weeks or even months in advance
  • Relaxed, joyous and excited about running your next workshop, ceremony or retreat
  • Able to quickly test waters for new offerings before you make any investments like reservation fee for the venue
  • Consistently building an audience of true fans who invest with you when they’re ready - and keep opening their hearts (& wallets) for you

Facebook Ads Strategist + VOICE DOULA FOR WOMEN

...and I lead the ads revolution, helping healers and experts to heal the trauma of burning their money on FB/IG ads - and create a success story, where they consistently sell high-ticket programs, retreats and healing packages with budget-friendly ads and authentic conversations.

Gosia Potoczna

With 20+ years in online marketing, I’ve worked on multimillion dollar launches, $20/day evergreen campaigns and everything in between... I know every heart-centred strategy for running highly profitable ads without losing your integrity nor dignity.

And no bank accounts get hurt in the process!

Starting my own personal development journey on a shamanic path literally saved my life - and now supporting healers and lightworkers like you is my form of giving back.

PS. I'm a Manifesting Generator 2/5 (Hermit/Heretic).

With an open Heart centre, I’m like a mirror to who you truly are - that’s why it’s so easy for me to amplify your youness when working together! And with the Splenic centre linked directly to my Throat centre - I speak straight from the intuition to help you get the best results.

When I felt called to start doing the voice doula work... I've used my AD SKILLS to fill my events and find clients, because seriously - I had no time to post on social media. I was already running my Ad Strategist Business.

And now, I have two businesses :).

This approach worked for me, even though I had no experience, no credibility and no certifications when I started. 

But it not only worked for me... just look at my client Sian, a seasoned coach who decided to host her first retreat ever. 

We spend less than $500 on ads and she made over $11,500 selling retreat tickets. That's over 23 ROAS, meaning she made $23 for each $1 we spend on ads. 

Now just imagine what YOU can achieve, using my methods...

With your experience and your life-changing ways of supporting others on their journey?

Gosia Potoczna
xx Gosia

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