ETA Gift – Offer Makeover Workshop – Profitable Facebook Ads with Gosia Potoczna

I hope you've enjoyed my Offer Makeover Workshop 
Now it's time to claim your gifts! :)

Simply click the button below to open & submit the form 
  • FREE Persuasion Offer Audit - you can sign up for no-strings attached, eye-opening audit where I help you identify the core offer tweaks that can instantly 10x your sales potential
  • The Offer Makeover Workshop slides so that you never have to waste time watching the replay just to recall what makes the best bonuses or guarantees ;)
  • The Persuasive Offer Cheatsheet so that you can always have the irresistible offer principles handy when working on your new lifechanging offers

Facebook Ads Strategist + Certified Master Persuader

I help female course creators, experts, and healers to make sales online every day by using a smart mix of budget-friendly Facebook Ads strategies & persuasion that feels good -- all while staying true to who they are.

Persuasion is often seen as dark arts.... while I see it as a tool to help you get your message out in a way that speaks directly your ideal clients' hearts... and wallets.

You deserve to get paid well for your expertise, healing and lifechanging gifts.
You deserve to attract more clients in an effortless way.

So I'm here to help you use the light side of the Force ;)

And my vision for you is to get you $10 back for every $1 you spend on ads.

With 20+ years in online marketing, I've worked on multimillion dollar launches, $30/day evergreen campaigns and everything in between... so rest assured I can help you turn your offer into a best-seller and make your sales easier, consistend and predictable using Facebook ads and persuasion that feels good.

Zero overwhelm, 111% ease, 10x ROAS. 
Welcome to my world.

© Gosia Potoczna 2023. All rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions
